Category: Sales

We frequently hear about the cost of acquiring a new customer versus retaining customers or keeping an existing one. It depends on many factors and is different for many industries. We see 5-7 times quoted quite regularly. What if it was only 2-3 times the cost? Isn’t that enough to up your customer retention game?

There are plenty of industry specific papers and articles about the customer experience, and customer retention. We are offering some general insights on areas that any business could consider looking at to improve their customer retention statistics. Read more here

Email respects your prospect’s time. Most experts agree an email is the best initial approach to a potential customer. If they’re not interested in what you have to say, they can move on. If they are interested, they can connect by their contact method of choice.

However, a lot of people struggle to get the email message right. We have 9 tips we follow when doing emails:

Close more Sales in 2019

Close more Sales by attending the half day workshop ‘Sales Client Personality Profiler’. With more research being done online you have to make your face-to-face time count for more. See workshop details.

Adding Value to the client’s day – or wasting their time?

How can you be adding value to the client’s day? A good idea will stimulate a client’s thinking. It may be about your product or service but just a reminder that you are out there will help. For may companies it really is ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’, so keeping them informed can help them return to you when it is time to purchase. Read other ways to add value to a client’s day…

Referrals from companies you have worked for are a great way for prospective clients to assess if you are the right company for them. If the prospect knows the company giving the testimonial even better! We are happy to give our prospective clients a referral to a company we have worked for and our referrals are happy to oblige. Here are a couple of recent referrals…