Rapport Relationship

Rapport Relationship


If a Sales person and a prospect want to do business together, they won’t let details stand in the way. If a slight detail in the future can get in the way, it’s likely neither want to really do business together in the first place.


There is no point developing a rapport relationship over many months (even years) for the prospect to pull out towards the time for the Sales person to close the sale. But, two questions we hear! Firstly – you have to be in it to win it don’t you? If you don’t try you won’t ever succeed. True. Secondly – can you tell early on that it will fail in the future? Sometimes.


We could answer both questions with one example. One of us could challenge Usain Bolt to a race over 100 meters. A race against the fastest man in the world seems like a loser right from the start. All thing being equal it probably is. However, once we are racing Usain could fall over. More likely one of us would fall over, if not, and he did, we would be declared the winner! Yes, being in it to win it. But is the chance of the Sale worth the gamble. Of course not.


Otherwise we could do our research and find out information about a time when Usain may be disadvantaged. Such as at the end of a long season, or after an operation. We could also employ the second fastest man in the world. We have just increased our chances of winning. Hopefully Usain attends Russell Wilce Consulting sessions and asks his questions before accepting the challenge!


Asking the right question but listening to the answers


There is no certainty that at the end you and the prospect will do business together. Regardless of how strong your initial rapport relationship is. Nor can you be certain from the first meeting that you will get the sale. BUT if you ask the right questions you will increase your chances of Sales success. More importantly listen to the answers to your intelligent questions. Often Sales people hear what they want to hear.


We want to hear answers that mean the Sale is heading our way. Sometimes we need to analyse the answer and ask further, more probing questions. Our rapport relationship will not be harmed. Our prospect will not feel bothered or harassed if the relationship is genuine. It will actually strengthen the relationship. The prospect knows you are doing your best to provide them with the solution they want.


Sales people need to remember to firstly ‘listen’ very well and secondly to use a sound questioning technique. Successful Sales people have learnt how to probe, with questions to get to the real issues. They don’t let minor details will not stand in the way further down the track.


A word of warning. If your questions are as stupid as someone from Russell Wilce Consulting challenging Usain Bolt? You deserve to lose the Sale at any time!