App Sales Client Profiling
What Personality Profile person are you about to meet today?

Why do you need our App Sales Client Profiling assistance?
The quicker you know how your prospect likes to do business the sooner, and stronger, you can build the critical rapport part of the Sales process. And perhaps as importantly, if you are getting it wrong you are never getting past the first step.
Most Sales App's focus on recording or keeping track, of various static Sales information. A bit like your CRM functions. This App Sales Client Profiling tool is unique in its content. It does two main things. The App helps you in those first valuable 90 seconds work out who you are talking with. We all have Personalities made up of many parts. However the ones that come to the fore when the prospect is buying are our concern.
The other important factor is in knowing how to present to that particular style. Talking to a detail person about the big picture works about as well as the other way around! Usually a disaster. So how does this App help?
It is not going to ask hundreds of questions that you can't ask the prospect anyway. You won't have to ask any questions, other than your Sales ones. If anything this App will assist in sharpening your observation skills. You are encouraged to look and listen sharply in the first 90 seconds, and then with practice, assess who you are talking to in that time. The App 'present' part can be used on the spot so that your presentation (personality) in front of the prospect makes them like you, because they feel comfortable talking to you.
In addition you can use the App afterwards to analyse the prospect and your initial meeting and prepare a considered next step. So a detailed person gets detail. A planner gets plans and a dealer gets a deal. This App is designed to assist in learning to recognise personality types and the best immediate and ongoing approaches. Some will use this App to learn from and not need to refer to it, but a lot will appreciate its simplicity and use it as a memory aid.
For a successful Sales career this might be the best $4.99 you ever spend. Take a look in the App Store or the Play Store.
For those companies who want to really give their Sales force the edge they can take part in our Pal Sales Client Profiler workshop.