Was 2017-2018 a good year of Sales for your business? Are you planning for Sales success in the 2019 Financial year?
For many organisations, the end of June 2018 is the end of the financial year, and they plan for Sales Success in the 2019 Financial year. Therefore for Sales people this means all the counters reset to zero and the clock restarts. Note we say ‘planning’, because it is all about when you do your planning, what you plan to achieve and how you plan to succeed.
As a result now is the time to develop your Sales Action Plan. This will probably help you be clear on your target you are planning for. And subsequently how you plan to get there. It helps if you can refer to the last 12 months of Sales Pipeline information. And above all, the reports of the Key Performance Indictors (KPI’s) that got you to this year’s results. Because if you don’t have any of these 3 major steps in place, now is the time to contact us.
Remember there's only one thing worse than training an employee who then leaves the company - not training an employee who stays!
No such thing as Ex Clients!
We regularly talk to clients we are not actively working with, on many Sales related issues. We are always happy to assist companies and Sales people with Sales related questions. At no charge of course! We also review emails for companies and Sales people to see if they would get our attention.
What Top Sales People Do
If a Sales person and a prospect want to do business together they won’t let details stand in the way. If a slight detail can get in the way it’s likely neither want to really do business together.
Without going into the many reasons why the above happens, the Sales person needs to remember to firstly ‘listen’ very well. Similarly to use a sound questioning technique. Hence successful Sales people have learnt how to probe. Most noteworthy with questions to get to the real issues. So even more important minor details will not stand in the way further down the track.
Seventh of 12 Top Performance Tips - try to improve each one by just 10%. That should give you a 120% improvement in 12 months. Ok we will settle for 100% at 8.33% each.
Sales are achieved by a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones.
Our Services
Coaching & Training - Our clients will know what it is we do. For others, our website has full details....here.
Remote Coaching - As Western Australia is such a vast state we do a lot of our coaching remotely. Read more ...
Content Writing - We write content for many of our clients, for many reasons....
Electronic Marketing - A Sales person's best friend, it's one of the quickest, fastest easiest way to influence potential buyers....read more..
Online Advice for Apps, Websites, Eblasts, Adwords and SEO. We started with the first commercial Email use, and know of the many pitfalls these services can include. Call us for advice.
Did you know?
Dr Ivan Misner of BNI has suggested 6.3 hours per week is the average time a Sales person spends networking and can claim 47% of business comes from that time. Is it fair to expect that 2 days per week could generate 94% of a Sales person’s business? Probably not but why go for just average?